Key Codes = Might contain...
NOTE: In ALL My recipes, I try to put in a substitute for the following ingredients. Also, I don't always remember to put in the Key Codes. Sorry! I will go back and review my recipes from time to time and correct missing Key Codes.
D! = Dairy
S! = Soy
W! = Wheat
E! = Eggs
P! = Peanuts
N! = Tree nuts
FS! = Fish and Shellfish *1
I am still working on the organization of this blog, so this post is subject to drastic changes.
[1] This blog IS a Vegetarian / Vegan blog. However, I've added the "FS!" symbol anyways, just in case I decide to try and help out those with Sulphur sensitivities. These people have a very hard time trying to find tasty foods they can eat without having a reaction. Also, A warning! Walmart's Generic foods, may come into contact with food you are avoiding, so do read their warning labels. This includes, fish that may come into contact inadvertently with their Vegetable or other products.
UPDATE: If I make Sulphur sensitivity Recipes, I'll start a new blog just for them, as I can't eat hardly anything they can eat.